Commemorating 50 years
In 2024, Kings Landing is celebrating 50 years since opening in 1974!
Were you a part of the museum’s history? Kings Landing is preparing audio and visual materials for use in its 50th anniversary exhibit and celebration. The exhibit will tell the history of Kings Landing, how it came to be, and the key players in its creation and development since the 1960s. The exhibit will welcome visitors to Kings Landing for years to come once completed in 2024. Additionally, Kings Landing will share content online in celebration of its 50th season throughout 2024.
In light of the upcoming 50th anniversary, we want to hear from the public. If you have rare images of Kings Landing, souvenirs from the early years, unique memories, or other personal connections with the Village and its history, please share with us. We invite you to complete the linked survey to share your story and upload images you would like to share to help us tell our story. Committee representative Evelyn Fidler can also be reached by phone at 506-476-1905.
Print off the linked poster and post it in your local community space to help spread the word!
Press release – Kings Landing searching for people with early village connections in preparation for its 50th anniversary exhibit